Notice Tweet Generator

This page is for creating text for streaming announcement tweets, etc.

How to use

If you include keywords in the template, such as in the following example, a replacement text field will be output.
e.g {keyword}

For items marked with "*", the browser will remember the value after it is entered (always saved).

Special features are available. The following keywords are reserved words.

  • {startTime} - It will be replaced by the date and time according to the rules described below.
  • {videoId} - A one-line text field is output. You can be extracted from either video/streaming URL or Studio URL.
  • {hashtag} - A one-line text field is output.

* You can save and load your work from the buttons at the bottom of the page.

{startTime} is described here. Replace with...

  • Year
    • Y - 4-digit year.
    • y - the last two digits of the year.
  • Month
    • F - English month.
    • M - the English 3-letter month.
    • n - the month expressed as one or more digits.
    • m - the month represented by a two-digit number.
  • Day
    • d - a two-digit day.
    • j - a day with at least one digit.
  • Day of the week
    • 曜日 - kanji character for the day of the week.
    • - a single kanji character for the day of the week.
    • l - the English day of the week.
    • D - the English 3-letter day of the week.
  • Hour
    • a - am/pm
    • A - AM/PM
    • - 午前/午後
    • g - a time in 12-hour increments of one or more digits.
    • G - hours with 24-hour increments of one or more digits.
    • h - a two-digit 12-hour period.
    • H - a two-digit 24-hour period.
  • Minute
    • i - a one-digit minute.
    • I - a 2-digit minute.
  • 🕑
    • 🕑 - a 30-minute clock emoji

Example for {startTime} - Y,y,F,M,n,m,d,j,曜日,曜,l,D,a,A,午,g,G,h,H,i,I,🕑

You can keywords for replacement e.g {foo} {startTime} {videoId}

Please paste Video URL, Stream URL or Stream URL on YouTube Studio